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 These past two years at Westminster we have made several opportunities to move outside our walls – the fall block party and most recently the end-of-the-school-year event that brought out 325-350 people. This September we have the opportunity to move outside of our walls by going to where others are – sharing in a time with a few folks at Sheffield Bay as we discuss the book – “The Well-Lived Life.” The book is written by Gladys McGarey, MD who is considered by some to be the ”Mother of Holistic Medicine.”

In the pages of her new book, Dr. McGarey shares her life experience in living life fully (for 102 years!) with others of us not yet 102 years old. You don’t even have to be half of her 102 years to find this book meaningful.


We will meet on six Monday afternoons beginning, September 18 at 1:00 p.m. and explore what she sees as the six secrets she has discovered in living the “Well-Lived Life”: YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON, ALL LIFE NEEDS TO MOVE, LOVE IS THE MOST POWERFUL MEDICINE, YOU ARE NEVER TRULY ALONE, EVERYTHING IS YOUR TEACHER, SPEND YOUR ENERGY WILDLY.


Her ideas are both inspiring and practical. She writes from her childhood experience as the child of missionaries, her life as a doctor and the wife of a doctor, as the mother of six children, and then in her 60’s facing both heartbreak and illness. Each of the six sections include a practical exercise to put to use in our everyday lives.


Please consider joining in reading and discussing this book with friends from Westminster and with new connections that we can make at Sheffield Bay, a local assisted living facility. The Director of Sheffield is excited about this opportunity for her residents, many of whom are avid readers and would welcome the opportunity to discuss this book with others from outside their community. AND Westminster and Sheffield Bay overlap in several ways, with a few of our members now residing there.


Please call the church office or Rev. Linda with any questions. A few copies of the book are still available in the church office.


Stay tuned next month for further updates on other FYI Happenings for later in the fall, winter, and even Spring 2024.

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