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Sunday Morning Bible Study

9:00 a.m. in the Session Room


Recently someone remarked that one of their favorite Sunday Worship services is the yearly World Communion Sunday because it blesses her heart and spirit to know that Christian churches throughout the world are celebrating Holy Communion at the same time, or at least on the same day.  The same can be said for the use of the common lectionary readings – a three-year cycle in which many Christian churches throughout the world read, study, and worship on a Sunday morning using the same Gospel, epistle, and Hebrew scripture readings. 

Over the next several weeks here at Westminster our Sunday morning worship services will be using scripture readings from the Common Lectionary.  Feasting on the Word Bible study curriculum follows the Lectionary and allows anyone interested in doing so, to explore the same Bible passage in our Sunday Bible study gatherings – at 9:00 in the Conference Room.  Our children will also be studying the same Bible readings.  In our gatherings we will explore the what, where, so what, and now what of each biblical passage.  This helps to connect our intentional spiritual growth and education offerings with our worship service.  

Come join us for the next few weeks, we will focus on the Gospel of Mark.

Any questions, please call the church office or see Rev. Linda.

During Sundays in November at 9:00 a.m. here at church will be using the Feasting on the Word Curriculum for Bible Study.  

Watch this space for details on nour Advent series in December.  

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