Est. 1863
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Westminster is here to serve God and humanity, sharing the love of Jesus
through faith, hope, and love, with an open and genuine spirit.

Bible Study During Lent
The First Week of Lent
"Jesus sought me" - Jesus calls Simon Peter as a disciple.
The Second Week of Lent
"Rescue me from danger" - Jesus calls Simon Peter to walk on water.
The Third Week of Lent
"Praise the mount" - Simon Peter calls Jesus the Messiah, and Jesus gives him the name Peter.
The Fourth Week of Lent
"I'm fixed upon it" - Jesus scolds Peter after he questions Jesus' mission and calling.
The Fifth Week of Lent
"Teach Me" - Jesus tells Peter to forgive seventy-seven times.
Holy Week - click here for a listing of our services this week.
The Second Sunday of Easter
"Here's my heart" - Jesus asks Peter if he loves him.
We invite you to join with others during this Lenten season either Sundays at 9 AM (beginning February 18th) in the Conference Room or Thursdays at 7 PM (beginning February 22) via Zoom. We will gather for seven weeks exploring our faith through the eyes of Peter, as we read, reflect, and consider the ways his story might mirror our own.
Devotional books are available in the church office. Please call with any questions.
Bible Study classes are offered at two different times to accommodate various schedules. Join us Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the Session Room or Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.
The same study materials will be used at both gatherings.
Please call the Church Office with any questions. 989-686-1360