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Coming Together to End Hunger 

Saturday, September 30th

9:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. 

Over the summer, our church, along with several others in the Presbytery, read the book “I Was Hungry: Cultivating Common Ground to End an American Crisis” by Jeremy Everett. In the book, we read of Jeremy’s work in communities to build partnerships between organizations to address the millions of Americans who live with food insecurity, hunger, and other poverty related challenges. To foster continuing conversations in our own corner of Michigan, Westminster is hosting an event for the Presbytery of Lake Huron on Saturday, September 30th. 


The day will include a keynote address from Dr. Phil Knight, the Executive Director of the Food Bank Council of Michigan. Dr. Knight will then join Samantha McKenzie of Hidden Harvest, and another panelist to discuss the work that each of their organizations do in alleviating hunger and how they collaborate with others to do so. Following a simple lunch, we’ll have an opportunity in small groups to begin brainstorming ways that our churches and communities can work together in furthering the work being done to feed our neighbors.

To register for the event click the link below:



Westminster members here are ways you can participate:


1.) As host church we’ll need greeters, and folks to help set up, to serve lunch, and clean up.


2.) Our simple lunch will consist of soup and salad. We’ll need volunteers to make a crockpot of soup or a bowl of salad.


3.) Participate in the event! Listen to the speaker and the panel discussion, and participate in the small group conversation.


To volunteer for this event click the link below:

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