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Adult Bible Study

From beginning to end, the Bible invites us to be good stewards of the earth. Scripture begins with the repeated proclamation that what God created God called good. God then gave humans responsibility to till and keep the earth. Throughout the Old Testament, God’s people depended on and identified with the land God promised to them. Later, Jesus shows and teaches how to appreciate creation and love our neighbors. The closing chapters of Revelation warn that God will destroy those who destroy the earth. At the same time, images of a new heaven and new earth, with generously flowing waters and streets paved with gold, depict a fully restored relationship between humans, creation, and God. God joins us in living and caring for the earth and its fullness. 

The spiritual practice of Care for Creation begins with noticing the good creation around us and listening to the stories of the trees, the grasses, the waters, and the animals. To care is to have a relationship with the object of care and to advocate for its well-being. There is no one right way to care for creation; it looks different for each person and is a continuous process of seeking right relationships with the world. There is much we can do to be good managers of our God-given natural resources. When we care for creation, we love, support, and advocate for the earth as God loves, supports, and advocates for us. Caring for creation is an act of loving our neighbor. 

During these four sessions we will explore biblical texts that illuminate four dimensions of the practice Care for Creation.  To explore this practice, we will study Scripture texts to guide our awareness and care for creation. 

Come join us Thursday evenings at 7 PM via Zoom. Please call the church office to pick up your book or to be added to the list to receive a Zoom invitation. Any questions, please contact Rev. Linda.


Over four sessions, beginning Thursday, April 18th at 7 PM via Zoom, we will explore biblical texts that illuminate four dimensions of the practice of Care for Creation 


One: Appreciate God’s Abundance—Genesis 1:1–2:3 affirms that God has been generous with the resources of the world. God repeatedly calls creation good and wants us to recognize and appreciate its richness and plenty. 


Two: Till—Genesis 2:4b–25 tells that God put the first humans in the garden of Eden to till it and take care of it so that the richness of the earth is preserved. 


Three: Share the Planet—The book of Leviticus has some very specific instructions about how to share land and resources. In 1 Corinthians, Paul reflects on the nature of the body of Christ. We all play a role in caring for the creation. 


Four: Restore Creation—Imagery from Isaiah 43:21-2 and Revelation 21-22 invites us to actively work toward a renewed harmony between nature and civilization.

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