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Lent at Westminster

Palm Sunday Pageant
Palm Sunday announces a very special week--Holy Week. We will celebrate Jesus' joyous entry into Jerusalem, but we will also turn to the events that followed; walking through other moments in Holy Week. In our service, we will incorporate the tradition of midrash.  Midrash is an ancient Jewish tradition that weaves together the art of storytelling and the truth of scripture. Join us as we hear, see, and feel the truth of this narrative, by hearing Jesus' story in a way that only those who encountered him when he walked the earth could tell. 
Maundy Thursday 
This year’s service is based around three simple elements that make their way through the story of the Last Supper in the upper room: WATER, BREAD, and SILVER. Its three parts mirror the three days between Jesus’ death and resurrection. We start with water rooting us in baptism and the knowledge that we are claimed and known by God. Next, we gather around the table, where we are reminded that there is always room at God’s table for us. Finally, we come face to face with our forgetful and flawed nature. We are reminded how easily we can turn from the promise of baptism and the beauty of Communion to betrayal. The service will conclude with the act of darkening the sanctuary. This move is done to help shift our hearts from the comfort and light of the sacraments to the anxiety and pain of the garden and the cross.
Good Friday 
Our Good Friday service rests in the belief that in places of sorrow, lament, and grief we meet God differently. Too often we rush through these moments, skipping them, reaching out for the new life offered on Easter Sunday. In doing so, we do not give ourselves a chance to meet the God who sits with us in our sorrow. Central to this service is creating a space where people can gather around the cross with as much vulnerability as possible in silence and in sorrow. Throughout the service we will be sharing in times of silence in three-minute intervals to symbolize the three hours Jesus suffered on the cross before his death.

Holy Week Calendar

Holy Week

April 2 @ 10:30 a.m.
Palm Sunday Pageant

April 6 @ 7:00 p.m.
Maundy Thursday Worship

April 7 @ 7:00 p.m. 
Good Friday Worship

April 8 @ 6:00 p.m.
Easter Vigil

April 9
Easter Sunday
8:00 a.m. Worship Service
9:00 a.m. Easter Breakfast
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Special Lenten Studies
Easter Breakfast
The Fellowship and Outreach Committee will host Easter breakfast on Sunday, April 9th at 9:00 a.m. Tickets are $8; $3 for children 10 and under.   Tickets are on sale now, both during and after worship and can be purchased in the office during the week.  Tickets can be purchased at the door, but prices will increase to $9 and $4.
Easter Vigil (Saturday)
This Easter Vigil, a time of songs, stories, and symbols will be a great opportunity to form faith, teach tradition, and build community within our church family—all while celebrating the good news at the heart of our faith, that Christ is risen from the dead!
Easter Sunday
Join us Easter morning for a joyous celebration of Christ’s resurrection! We will again offer two services (8:00 and 10:30 am) with communion being served at each service. Guest organist, Laurel Taiple, will join us for both services, along with our pianist, Rachel Webb. The Chancel Choir will be joining with the Adult Handbell Choir for the 10:30 am Service.
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